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Chairman's Message:

"You would agree that the human being's knowledge is evolving everyday through new experiments, learnings and exploration. Knowledge advancement needs an educational environment, appropriate facilities and smart or sometimes customized teaching techniques that could provoke curiousity, encourage questioning and promote learning activities of the young souls and minds.

Our Islamic value system guided by Quran & Sunna not only guides for everyday life affairs based on strong ethics but also encourages to gain more knowledge through research, study and experiments. Unfortunately our pseudo madarsa system is hardly producing strong dynamic muslims who could not only represent real Islam but also could strongly keep up and compete in the modern professional environment.

Strong human character is comprised of 1- mental, 2- physical and 3- spiritual strengths. The idea of "Kingston Islamic School & College" took birth to focus on all these three strengths in order to nourish young students into strong muslim modern scholars. You may label it as a modern madarsa system without any prejudice. We provide an affordable quality education through best in class faculty with latest facilities in a purposfully built building on one acre land.

We aim to provide cadet and sports training for physical fitness, advanced modern scientific syllabus and Islamic education including Nazra Quran with translation, Sunnat, Ahadees, Namaz and Practical Tarbia courses strictly without representing any religious sect. Teachers, Parents and Students strong communication produce best results hence I request parents to remain connected through LMS system, mobile application, whatsapp or physical follow up.

We strongly believe there is always area of improvement for good to be great so, we keep a suggestion box on the gate that I frequently check and follow up myself. Lets' make this world to be a better place together. "


Thanks and regards, 

Naveed Ahmad Gillani

Chairman, KISC

Chairman's Profile

Mr. Naveed Ahmad belong to a Syed Gillani noble family (24th descendent of Ghaus Pak Abdul Qadir Jillani, 37th Gen of Prophet's family). He is a well known successfull Pakistani business professional and has led various national & multinational companies like Dalda Foods Pakistan, IFFCO UAE and Apical Group Singapore to name a few.

He is the chairman of "The Gillanies Welfare Organization (TGWO)", President of  "Business Professional Network (BPN) and SalesProfessionals Association of Pakistan (SAP)", Senior Vice President of SHE Foundation and few others.

click links to explore more about him

