Kingston Islamic School and College is deeply concerned with providing quality education, along with imparting special attention to the moral, intellectual and social upbringing of its students under golden principles of Islam. The guidelines provided below ensure that school ethics are followed by the students, parents as well as staff members of the school. The School reserves the rights to take necessary actions if the code of conduct is not adhered by anyone. It is important to note that these Rules and Regulations will help in maintaining the decorum of the school and that the admission shall remain conditional to compliance of the Rules and Regulations.


1. Code of Conduct:

For students:

1.1 We have firm disciplinary rules which students are required to follow not only during School hours but also on the way to and from School; even during games. These rules apply for all activities & events during and after School; whether in School uniform or not. We expect your full co-operation and support in this regard.

1.2 Students must take pride in their uniform and wear the correct School uniform daily, (as defined in ‘Uniform and Dress Code’ below).

1.3 Students are always expected to remain courteous and congenial. They must continuously demonstrate consideration for others. Respect and regard for others is very essential. Aggressive behaviour, stealing, cheating, indulging in politics or anti-social activities, abusive and racist language will not be tolerated under any circumstance.

1.4 KINGSTON ISLAMIC SCHOOL AND COLLEGE (KISAC) has zero tolerance against bullying (physical or verbal), strict action will be taken against anyone found bullying or indulging in any other kind of intimidation tactics including expulsion from school.

1.5 Pupils should take pride in all the work they do and should always endeavour to meet deadlines. In adequate progress of the students shall be discussed with parents from time to time. The School reserves the right to take necessary action against any delay in meeting deadlines and/or any other such negligence.

1.6 Deliberately missing or bunking classes is strictly prohibited in the benefit of students. Any student found engaged in such activity shall be penalised.

1.7 Students must show respect for School property. Damaging or Defacing School property is strictly forbidden. Any damage caused to School property will result in disciplinary action and a fine. This includes writing on walls, desks, and in bathrooms. Students must also refrain from stuffing the toilets with sanitary napkins, scrunches and other such paraphernalia. Such actions lead to blockages in the sewerage system and therefore fines will be levied accordingly to discourage such violations.

1.8 Pupils must not climb out of the School windows or climb onto roofs or over fences for their own safety. The management of the school will not be responsible for any such injury.

1.9 Students are provided with desks/chairs, whiteboards, softboards and others study items. Students will keep these items in good conditions. Student will have to pay the fine if found damaging any of the school / classroom item.  

1.10 Students will be encouraged to volunteer for various events during the school year. It is mandatory to avail these opportunities for potential development.

1.11 Students have been allotted school Ids which are used for biometric attendance. Parents must ensure cards are worn daily.

1.12 Littering inside and outside the School premises is strictly prohibited and offenders will be penalised.

1.13 Parent or legal guardian must submit an application to the Principal in any of the following circumstances:

1.13.1 The student’s absence from School. (See Article 17)

1.13.2 A request for relief from homework.

1.13.3 Failure to complete homework within the given deadline.

1.13.4 Non-participation in academic and / or co-curricular activities.

If no letter is received, the School Management will deem it as a lack of compliance with School Policy and will have to take measures, as described in the School Rules and Regulations Clause No. 17.

1.14 Punctuality plays a significant role in shaping the personality of students. Therefore, the management of school makes sure to monitor students’ arrival time and take action against habitual late arrival/irregular attendance of the students.

1.15 The School cares about the health of its students therefore we recommend that any student suffering from any infectious diseases must take complete rest at home and come back to school after complete treatment of the disease.

1.16 If a student misses her/his lesson, for any reason, it is her/his responsibility to catch up with the missed work. Student can and should take guidance & explanations from her /his teacher if needed.

1.17 Any sort of misrepresentation, deceit, or falsification, committed by the student/parent/guardian with the purpose, intent, or expectation of influencing a grade or other academic evaluation, for e.g. intentional use of any unauthorized material, information or study aids during the examinations, forging a parents’ signature, will result in strict action against the student, as decided by the Management.

1.18 The Management reserves the right to take necessary actions against anyone regarding any matter relating to the prestige of the School and / or its Management, such as defaming the School, Management, faculty or students through social or any other traditional media.

1.19 The School Management has the right to take any action and decision in the interest of the security and welfare of its students and the School.

1.20 The School has a latest LMS: Learning Management System (see Para 6), students and parents are required to keep checking the progress reports, homework diary, attendance record, calendar, messages, fee records and other such education related information from the school to remain well informed.

Student Welfare

1.20 The School has taken doctors onboard to maintain medical record of all students on periodical basis hence the students will be checked by the school doctors periodically. If required, the medical report may be sent to the parents. Parents are required to maintain these records and to inform the doctor if there is any medical complication that should be recorded in the student’s medical file (e.g. allergies, etc).

1.21 For the wellbeing of the child, the school doctor may periodically recommend certain medical tests or procedures to be performed (such as testing of the eyesight, delousing, dental care or vaccinations). Parents are requested to fulfil such medical requirements or to provide the School with a valid explanation, in case they cannot comply.

1.22. The School helps children in understanding the values of hygiene and fitness therefore regular health seminars and workshops at school are mandatory for students to attend. Failure to attend may result in deduction of marks.

1.23. Class X and College Level student must complete the mandatory First Aid and Life Support Courses organised in collaboration with Aga Khan University Hospital and other hospitals.

1.24. KISAC may periodically organise vaccination programs. Information of such vaccination will be sent to parents, who may opt for the inoculation of their son/daughter/s.

1.25. The school arranges remedial classes to assist underperforming students. These classes are arranged during / after school hours if required. Identified students are encouraged to attend these classes for their own benefit.

1.26. Students may be required to visit the school counsellor/psychologist (a professional counsellor/psychologist hired by the school) in order to discuss and work out their academic and/or behavioural problems and/or for general appraisals of the emotional wellbeing. Should there be any cause for concern, parents will be notified accordingly. Please understand that this is done considering the best interest of the child.


1.27. The name of a student will be struck off the roll if student is absent from School without notice for ten or more days. The School Management reserves the right to expel any student at any time for misconduct, indiscipline, low attendance or her/his involvement in any such activities as defined under ‘Long absence without Notice’ (See Article 17) and major ‘Disciplinary Issues’ (See Article 2).

1.28. Students, who are expelled, for any reason, will not be eligible for refund of security deposit.

2. Expected Consequences for Disciplinary Issues:

Following are the expected consequences which the School Management reserves the right to take in the event of failure of the students to follow the prescribed Code of Conduct:

2.1 Deduction of marks.

2.2 Fine according to the damages caused or as prescribed.

2.3 Warnings according to violation done.

2.4 Expulsion/suspension from School.

2.5 Parents’ undertaking for not repeating the violation of rules.

3. Parental Conduct:

3.1. Parents are requested to support their daughter/son(s) in all educational endeavours by giving praise and showing interest in their School activities. They must assist in academic and co-curricular pursuits by ensuring that all materials (stationery, costumes, etc) are provided as required.

3.2. KISAC welcomes parents who wish to volunteer in School activities. Certain parents will be selected by the Management to attend security and safety trainings, assist the School in field trips, regulating School traffic, and speak at career counselling session, fund raising or charity events and / or miscellaneous activities. All those who wish to be involved may send their requests to or ; selection of the parents is, however, at the discretion of the Management. Those parents who are actively involved in supporting the school community will be prioritised for sibling selection during the admissions process and will be awarded recognition certificate/shield on annual day.

3.3. Parents, Students and Teachers are three corners of the education triangle so these three must remain connected for the quality education to nurture the strengths of the student and cover up weaknesses. Parents must demonstrate to the student that they and the teachers work together for the student’s benefit. Parents can remain updated on their son/daughter's performance through regularly checking LMS system either through the school website or through the mobile appication. (see para # 6)

3.4. The School reserves the right to publish its students’ names, photos, video recordings and work on all KISAC related marketing platforms including website, social/traditional media. These pictures are the exclusive property of the School and can be used for the purpose of promoting and illustrating School activities and / or students’ achievements.

3.5. Parents are expected to interact with the staff and faculty members politely and courteously. If there is a concern or issue which they feel strongly about, they can communicate with the Principal / administrator, for a follow up. A suggestion and complaint box is present at the gate reception to reach out to the directors of KISAC, Email or can also be used for the same purpose (if the matter not resolved by school managment).

3.6. Parents must pledge to preserve the integrity and security of the School and the respect of its staff and must not commit or perform any act(s) that may jeopardise the safety of the students or reputation of the institution.

3.7. The School monitors social/ traditional media presence to ensure that the school’s and its students’ integrity is maintained. KISAC reserves the right to block any parent from its social/digital media platforms who is found to be insulting, unruly, disrespectful and/or threatening towards the School or anyone related to the School Management/ staff /faculty.
Parents who are found to be involved in defaming/insulting the school or its staff, on any platform, will be considered as blacklisted. Their child / ward may be suspended or expelled, and their security deposit withheld, in such circumstances. As consequence, this may also affect the enrolled sibling(s) and future admissions.

3.8. Any parent found to be attempting to bribe, manipulate and use unfair or illegal means for any purpose with any personnel of the School will face serious repercussions, which could include expulsion of their child, initiation of legal proceedings, or any such action that the School Management deems fit.

School-Parent Communications:

3.8.1. Student’s school record, documents and/or any communication between the School and the parents are strictly confidential and must not be shared with others, this includes sharing such information on social media/other digital platforms.

3.8.2. Please use proper mode of communication with school i.e. email/written request to contact the school. Only proper requests / emails with name of the student and GR number will be entertained.

3.9. It is mandatory for parents to attend all Parent-Teacher Meetings and discuss the progress of their daughter/son/s with the teachers.

3.10. It is incumbent on parents to ensure that they provide updated information about the student and her/his parents/guardians. This would consist of the current telephone number,
home address, work telephone number, up to date information on work address, email ID and emergency contact number/s. Parents must immediately notify the School of any changes in their contact information.

3.11. The School Management reserves the right to withhold certificates / report cards or any document etc. in case any information/detail either major or minor is not provided by the parent in the bio data form.

3.12. Parents must also inform the School Management of any important change/factor in the student’s life, for example, a recent medical condition which may affect their studies, separation or divorce of the parents, death of a family member, etc.

3.13. Parents are requested not to send money for any academic projects / co-curricular activities without receiving intimation from School through written or emailed circular with Principal’s signature or SMS from KISAC-Admin.

3.14. Parents may be contacted by concerned members of the School regarding their daughter/son’s behaviour or performance as and when the need arises. This may be in the form of letters, telephonic conversations and meetings. Most communications will be regarding updating about activities, scheduled holidays etc. Behavioural issues such as the following may be discussed:

3.14.1. Irregular/ late attendance without genuine justification in documented form through a letter or medical certificate.

3.14.2. Habitual idleness and slacking-off in spite of letters of warning to parents to help their child improve.

3.14.3. Repeated objectionable behaviour such as aggression, non-cooperation, impoliteness and other forms of anti-social behaviour.

3.14.4. The use of unfair means in tests and exams.

3.14.5. Non-compliance of the School’s dress-code, or modification of the dress-code without permission from the School, over a period of time.

3.14.6. Possession of banned items (see Banned Items article 11).

3.15. The School will keep its parent and student body apprised of necessary information through all or any of the following channels:

3.15.1. Circulars and/or diary notes

3.15.2. Through its website and mobile application (LMS system)

3.15.3. Posting information on the notice board at the gate

3.15.4. In case of emergency or for unscheduled holidays, parents will be informed through the website / KISAC Face book page or KISAC SMS service.

3.15.5. The Principals &/or school authorities will only discuss a students’ case with her/his parents/guardians. Parents/guardians are requested not to bring any relatives for meetings as they will not be entertained.

3.15.6. Student’s school record, documents and/or any communication between the School and the parents are strictly confidential and must not be shared with others, this includes sharing such information on social media/other digital platforms.

3.15.7. Please use proper mode of communication with school i.e. email/written request to contact the school. Only proper requests / emails with name of the student and GR number will be entertained.

3.16. Parents will be asked to fill out a ‘Parents Feedback Form’ so that the Management may be fully aware of their thoughts on the academics of their daughter/son, and on the administration of the School. The School Management appreciates constructive criticism and words of encouragement by parents. The School Management will respond to feedback, wherever required.

4. Admissions

4.1. For Playgroup to Matriculation Level

4.1.1. The admission results are final and based upon merit.

4.1.2. Play Group to College Level admission will be processed according to the established procedure which includes submission of required documents, aptitude tests for certain subjects, if required, and parental interviews. The School maintains the right to accept or refuse a candidate after due consideration to all aspects of the admission rules.

4.1.3. Parents, whose children are granted admission from July onwards for the current academic session which starts from August, shall be charged, term fee for July and months onwards along with the admission fee package.

4.1.4. In case a child does not join School or withdraws admission or is expelled by the school for any reason, the admission fee, security deposit and tuition fee shall not be refunded.

4.2. For College’ Levels

4.2.1. The admission results are final and based upon merit.

4.2.2. ‘College’ Level admission will be processed according to the established procedure which includes submission of required documents and student / parent interviews. The School maintains the right to accept or refuse a candidate after due consideration to all aspects of the admission rules. 

4.2.3. In case a child does not join School or withdraws admission or is expelled by the school for any reason, the admission fee, security deposit and tuition fee shall not be refunded.

5. School Terms, Timmings & Holidays

5.1. The new academic session begins immediately after the Summer Vacations

5.2. School timings for Pre-Primary to Matriculation Levels are as follows:

Class Days Timing


KG - I


Monday to Thursday

7:45 am to 12:00pm


7:45 am to 12:00pm

Grade 1   to   Grade 10 Monday to Thursday

7:45 am to 1:00pm


7:45 am to 12:00pm

5.3. College Level timings are as follows:

Grade XI - XII Monday to Thursday: 7:50 am to 2:00 pm
Friday: 7:50 am to 12:00 pm

7:50 am to 1:30 pm(As per requirement)

5.4. During Ramadan:

Monday to Thursday: 7:40 am to 12:00 noon
Friday: 7:40 am to 12:00 noon

Any change in these timings will be notified to the parents via circulars on emails,

Face book/and website notification.

5.5. Punctuality to School is essential. Students will be allowed to enter the School premises until 7:50 am only. Students arriving after 7:50 am will be penalised after two late arrivals and onwards. Further, it can affect student’s house marks as well.

5.6. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure timely collection of the student at the end of the School day

5.7. In case of any sudden or late announcement of a holiday by the Government, the School will remain closed, but may function on any subsequent Saturday, if necessary.


KISAC will remain closed on public/scheduled/gazetted holidays as announced by the Government of Sindh. The School may close for unscheduled holidays/strike days if officially announced by the Government or decided by the School Management. However school will intimate such information through the LMS system or SMS or at the school gate board.

6. Learning Management System (LMS) : Website and Mobile App

6.1 KISAC has a super advanced Education Learning management system available 24/7 for the parents, students and for the faculty.

6.2 Parents and Students will have to login from website or will have to get install the mobile application from the school I.T department / Computer Lab Incharge by paying a very nominal fee of Rs. 500 (installation fee)

6.3 Students can avail their unique ID and password code and can access their profile on webiste as well as on the mobile application. 

6.4 Parents can access profiles of their all kids through single I.D name and password.

6.5 This LMS system gives all the details of students attendance, education progress, circulars, calendar, exams, tests, notice board, student daily diary, news, class teachers messages, fee ledgers and many more information in general or specific to particular students. This system is very much helpful in building a bridge among teachers, students and their parents for the best education.

7. Transportation

7.1. The Management does not take responsibility for any transportation service hired by parents. It is the sole responsibility of the parents/guardians to ensure that the student attends School regularly and on time.

7.2. Parents must ensure that their wards attend School, where opened on Saturday and/or at any other day/time for remedial classes, co-curricular events and activities.

7.3. Parents must ensure that the van carrying their child only accommodates the children as per the seating capacity. Besides this it meets the various regulatory requirements as spelled out from time to time by the civil administration and highway police.

7.4. School does not has its own transportation system however school recommends professional vendors who provide pick and drop services and directly deal with the parents for transportation fee and pick drop details. School has provided Stickers and cards to these vendors in order to help trouble free entry/exit in Bahria Town.

8. Uniform & Dress Code

8.1. Uniform brings a confidence in the personality. We have carefully chosen a uniform similar to Pakistan Air Force which should make students feel proud and good. 

8.2. Uniform details are given on the website with the pictures.

8.3. Girls have different options, they are also allowed to wear Hijab / Burqa as per their choice.

8.4. PT uniform (on specific days)
Shirts (red, blue, green, yellow) according to houses, white track pants, white PT shoes. School uniform’s scarves are optional.

8.5. Wearing proper school uniform is mandatory. If a student does not wear proper/full school uniform, student will be penalised and a fine will be charged.

8.6. Students are urged to tie their hair neatly.

8.9 Students arriving to School in untidy uniform may be sent back home.

8.10. Make up, jewellery and nail varnish are strictly forbidden on a normal School day.

8.11. Students are instructed to display their School Identity Cards upon their person at all times within the School premises.

8.12. Students are allowed to wear high-heel or fancy shoes only on a function or a celebration day at School. High-heeled shoes can only be worn by the students of class X, XI and College Levels on such days.

9. Note Books and Uniform


9.2 Copies are only available at Tariq Book Depot however books can be purchased from anywhere.

10. School Fees

10.1. From Playgroup to College Level, monthly payment of the student’s fee must be cleared within the due date of the issuance of challan. Failure to do so will result in the withdrawal of the student and her/his name will be struck off the roll.

10.2. From Playgroup to College Level, fee challan(s) for each month will be issued on the last working day of the month and the due date will be seven (7) working days after the issuance of the challan(s). In case the challan is missed, parents can deposit the fee by checking online ledger available in the website or mobile app LMS system.

10.3. Student whose admission is cancelled because of outstanding dues will have to apply re-admission into the School by clearing the outstanding dues and making payment for re-admission along with the remaining amount of current security deposit.

10.4. Parents who wish to withdraw their child from the School, should inform the School Management before the start of upcoming session i.e. August since their seat is reserved for the whole academic year i.e. August till July. In case of not informing the school in written, the parents will have to clear the fee for the current whole academic year i.e. August till July to get any kind of School Certificate(s), Report Card and Refund of Security Deposit.

10.5. Parents who wish to withdraw their child after the start of the academic session (therefore during the academic session) will have to clear the fee for the whole academic year.

10.6. Parents of children who are granted long leave for any reason by the School Management must clear Term Fee for that specific long leave period, in order to secure and retain a seat for their child till they re-join.

10.7. Defaulters will not be permitted to sit for any examination and will not be issued Report Cards or any certificates. The defaulters are reported to All Private School Management Association of Sindh each year.

10.8. Security Deposit will not be refunded to the defaulters and if not claimed within a year after leaving the School. Those parents who have not submitted the security fee, they will not be allowed to delay the monthly fee more than 10th of every month and such students will not be allowed to sit in the class after 10th of same month. 

10.9. By signing this document, parents agree to the tuition fees stipulated by the Management as per the directions of the relevant approving authorities and the school management.

Parents must acknowledge the fact that Kingston Islamic School & College is operating on very low fee structure as compared to other schools of its kind with same facilities. Whereas the cost of this school is higher than others due to following factors:

10.9.1 Salaries are market competetive hence Faculty members are well paid.

10.9.2 The Electricity is not available so an expensive fuel is consumed by generators to run the entire school electric system and equipments.

10.9.3 There are many deserving students studying free on this thin profit (self sustainable charity model).

10.9.4 The Quran Academy is absolutely free to all the regular students and casual students from surrounding areas.

Hence its the moral responsibility of the parents to pay school fee / vouchers on time in order to to help the school running smoothly for a noble cause.

11. Banned Items

Under no circumstances may the following be brought into the School, by any personnel:

11.1. Weapons e.g. guns, knives, and dangerous sprays.

11.2. Racist or offensive or violent literature.

11.3. Pornographic materials or inappropriate reading material.

11.4. Lighters, matches, fireworks, pocket lasers.

11.5. Computer software, CD ROMs (except with permission from the ICT Incharge).

11.6. Radios, head phones, iPods, alcohol, illegal drugs.

11.7. Mobile phones (Any mobile phones brought to School by students will be confiscated and will not be returned until end of term).

11.8. College level students may carry their cell-phones, but they must be deposited in the School office in the morning and collected at off time. Mobile phones found in the custody of a Student during School hours (unless allowed by Principal for any specific reason) will be confiscated and will not be returned until the end of the term.

12. Personal Items

12.1. The School does not accept responsibility for the loss or damage of personal items brought to the School.

12.2. Bringing MP-3 players, CDs, cell phones, cameras are forbidden unless express permission is granted, in writing by the Management.

12.3. Items found in the School will be sent to the ‘Lost and Found Section’, where the student may reclaim her/his property. Parents and students are advised to add name tags to their property so that it is easily identified/ recovered if lost.

12.4. Students will not be allowed to post their pictures on the Internet wearing their School uniforms. Any such picture found may result in corrective actions taken against the pupil/s concerned.

13. Infirmary/Injuries

13.1. Sickroom is available for students who are ill or injured. If the need arises, the School will provide basic medicines and dressings as first aid treatment for your child under the supervision of a qualified nurse / doctor.

13.2. If a child is placed in the infirmary (Sick room), they are allowed to remain for a maximum of 20 minutes. After that time, if they still feel unwell, parents will be contacted to pick them up.

13.3. If your child needs special care owing to some disability / allergies, School should be informed beforehand to facilitate the child.

13.4. School also conducts health workshops which are for educational purpose and not for promotional purposes. These workshops are carefully designed according to social requirements, child’s needs and capabilities.

13.5. The School Management is not responsible for any accidents/mishaps/injuries which could take place during/after the School hours inside/outside the School premises. Students and parents are urged to comply with the safety rules in order to prevent accidents. Although the School Management does take reasonable precautions to avoid accidents. However, children and parents must concede that unforeseen injuries do take place and the School is in no way liable.

14. Academic and Co-Curricular Activities

14.1. All Co-curricular activities are mandatory and have a bearing on the Final academic result. 10 marks in the Final Exam have been set aside which may be deducted for unnecessarily avoiding participation in co-curricular activities and/or in the case of misdemeanours as may be deemed fit by the faculty or Management.

14.2. Students with less than 90% attendance and inadequate or unsatisfactory letters of explanation from parents/guardians may not be permitted to sit for the final examinations.

14.3. The school aims to instil civil responsibility in its senior students and therefore has a dedicated community service program which is mandatory for students of class IX, X, XI & XII Levels. Students must complete the stipulated mandatory hours of community service / internship to be eligible for a certificate. Any student who fails to complete her/his community service internship is liable to have her/his marks deducted or certificates withheld or may not be allowed to sit for the assessments/examinations. Certificates for completed internships will be awarded by the concerned NGO (THE GILLANIES WELFARE ORGANIZATION). Students must present their certificates to the School, failing which they will be unable to receive their mark sheets and other relevant documents from the School.

14.4. Students must follow the curriculum set by the School and must purchase/procure the books prescribed by the School. The School also updates and uploads the course outlines for the benefit of the students on the website.

14.5. The School faculty may revise the recommended books for any subject if it deems it necessary and in the best interest of pupils so that they find the subject and concepts engaging and easier to understand.

14.6. Remedial/extra classes may be held in certain subjects in order to make up for time lost due to unforeseen circumstances (such as unscheduled holidays) or if certain concepts require further clarification.

14.7. Holiday Homework will be given during the summer vacations. Students are expected to do their assignments well and to the best of their abilities. They must not plagiarise/ copy the content or material from other sources (the web or other books). Only original work will be given marks. The School expects parents/guardians to support school in this regard by ensuring the task is completed.

15. Field Trips and Extra Curricular Activities

15.1. A field trips are part of the educational process and it is supervised by the School faculty. The School will enable and encourage “out of the classroom” learning experiences as a way of engaging students in the learning process and delivering the curriculum in a more culturally relevant and holistic way.

15.2. The School decides the location for the field trip according to the practicability of a destination and then organises the transport. Circulars with the details and a permission slip to be filled and signed by parents are sent out. Parents are responsible for the extra expenses of any trip, i.e. the food/snacks of the student and the entry fee (if applicable). This amount is non-refundable.

15.3. The School and its staff strive for the safety of its students. However, the School is not responsible for any accident, injuries, damages or other losses to the person or property of participants during a School trip.

15.4. Ailing students should not be sent on field trips, and parents are requested to email, call or otherwise directly inform the Principal and In-charges of their inability to participate prior to the trip’s departure.

15.5. Other external trips may be conducted by the School for various purposes such as inter-School competitions and matches. In such cases, the parents will be duly informed, through circulars of the requirements regarding support.

15.6. The school also encourages its students to participate in international competitions. Parents are requested to facilitate their child to pursue their goals.

16. Absences and Preparatory Leaves

Students on preparatory leaves (IX, X, XI and XII) are allowed to visit the School for study purposes or for library use in proper School uniform with school ID.

17. Absence without Notice

17.1. If a student is absent from School for more than 10 days without notifying the office, her/his name shall be struck off the roll and parents will be responsible for any problem arising as a result of their negligence. Parents must inform the School of the reason for the pupil’s absence via a letter or a phone call. They are also responsible for ensuring that her/his homework is collected from the School or that student has been exempted from receiving any homework. On return, student must furnish a letter to the School from her/his parents elucidating the reason for her/his absence.

17.2. All students have to return after vacations on-time. Absence due to sickness for more than three days must be supported by a medical certificate. The enrolment of students remaining absent for 10 days without intimation will be cancelled and their tuition fee will not be refunded.

17.3. After-Exam Activity Week is arranged each term for the development of students’ potential. It is mandatory to attend School until the last day of each term.

17.4. Students will not be allowed to avail two long leaves during one academic session for both Umrah and Hajj. One long leave per year will be approved either for Hajj or Umrah, or other extraneous circumstance.

18. Student Data Changes

18.1. If parents wish to change or alter the name or any other details of their child, they must submit a written application to the Administration Office. They will be required to fill a form by the Education Department, Government of Sindh and follow the procedures stipulated by them.

18.2. The School Administration Office must be immediately intimated regarding any change in the students’ contact details.

19. Examination Rules

19.1. The students and their guardians are informed that the tests and mid-year exams marks shall be included in the Final Exam, in the aggregate form. Students are expected to be consistent and conscientious with regards to their studies.

19.2. Supplementary examinations may be held at the discretion of the School.

19.3. All Examination results are final. Parents and students have the right to see their mid-year examination papers and monthly test papers, after the announcement of result. Examined papers will be re-evaluated by the KISAC staff after formal request from parents and students. After which, the results in the progress report cannot be challenged and must be accepted by parents/students. Defaulters in fee will not be granted this privilege nor will any result card be released unless dues are cleared.

19.4. During exams students should carry stationery and geometrical instruments in transparent pouches.

19.5. If a student is caught cheating during examination or is found having any unauthorized material such as geometry box, mobile phone, smart watch, technology with communication or storage, unauthorized notes or revision material the paper will be cancelled and marked zero.

19.6. Students with attendance below 90% will not be allowed to appear in the Mid, Final, Mock or CAIE examination.

19.7. All examination results are final.

20. Report Cards

20.1. Any student, who is found tampering with marks in the Report Card and other School Certificates, will be dismissed/ expelled from the School, without any notice.

20.2. Report cards are confidential and must not be shared with other students or their parents other than the class teacher and/or administration. Appointments for parents can be setup during the School year for any detailed discussions if required.

21. Visiting Hours

21.1 Visiting Hours for walk-in is from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday on first come first serve basis. It's better to have prior appointment a day ahead via email for Monday to Thursday. Complaints and concerns regarding a student’s progress and behaviour must be made in writing directly to the Section In-charge / Principal and not to the class teacher.

21.2 Parents or visitors are not allowed to see their children or their class teacher while in class. A prior appointment should be taken for a meeting with the Subject / Class Teacher or the In-charge of the section.

21.3 Students are not allowed to bring any ex-student or relative to any School activities or functions without the prior approval of the School Management.

22. Food Policy

22.1. The School actively encourages healthy eating habits. Parents are requested to send healthy food items in their child /ward’s lunch boxes and to discourage packet snacks.

22.2. The School Canteen will also not sell soft drinks or items prohibited for schools children. 

22.3. Parents must inform the School Management beforehand regarding any food allergy the child has to intimate the canteen service.

22.4. Students may bring cakes/snacks to celebrate their birthdays. However, such activities are strictly confined to recess or end of School times. Students are not allowed to celebrate their birthdays during class time.

23. Safety & Security

The safety & security of the School is of paramount importance. Any person deemed to be in any way endangering the security of the School by his/her behaviour will immediately be reported to the police.

23.1. KISAC has established a “No Card, No Entry Policy”. No outsiders; parents or guardians, will be allowed to enter the gates of the School to pick up the children. Only parents of the Pre-Primary section will be allowed to enter upon presenting the Parent Authorisation Card (PAC) at Gate A. No child from the Pre-Primary section will be handed over to anyone without the Parent Authorisation Card. Parents or people picking up children from the higher classes will be asked to wait outside the gate for the child.

23.2. For safety / convenience of the children, a crossing point on the road is being manned by security staff. Parents are urged to direct their children to cross the road from the same.

23.3. Please note, that once the students are in the School, then it will be a closed campus till home time. No parent or guardian will be allowed to enter during the School timings without the express permission of the Management.

23.4. Picking up Children from School: Students are not allowed to leave the School early. However, prior permission should be taken in extremely unavoidable circumstances. The child must bring an application in the morning, and then only a gate pass will be issued. School will not be responsible for any student once student leaves the School premises.

23.5. Commute of students from home to school and back shall be the sole responsibility of parents/guardians and the school shall not be held responsible for any mishap / breakdown of the van whatsoever. The vans contracted by the parents/guardians for bringing the children to school shall be hired by the parents/guardians at their own risk. For safety and security parents/guardians should ensure that the vans available with the contractor/driver are in absolute order and carry all safety measures. The parents / guardians should also ensure that the van engaged by them should carry only those number of students who could be seated properly in the van.

23.6. If College Level student is required to miss a class and leave early because of illness or a family emergency, student will be required to take an EXIT PASS from the A-Level Principal’s office on presenting a signed written application / note from the parents.

23.7. Forgotten items such as lunch boxes etc. will only be accepted at the security reception if the person delivering it has the Parent Authorisation Card (PAC).

23.8. Parents are requested to follow the direction of the security staff and advise their drivers accordingly and ensure that there is no OVER-SPEEDING or BLOCKING in-front of the ENTRANCE or EXIT gates of School.

23.9. All visitors will be subject to detectors and are requested to show their original CNIC and provide contact details before they are allowed entry into premises. All those who wish to visit the School must make prior appointments with the person concerned. The School reserves the right to carry out the security checks on any person who comes into the School, for the safety reasons.

23.10. Parents are advised to seek prior appointment for any visit and are requested to enter the school building only for a valid reason, after obtaining a visitor pass from the security reception.

23.11. Parents are asked to be vigilant at all times and are requested to intimate any suspicious activity immediately to the Management on school mobile # 0305-4647866 / 0315-4647866

24. Scholarships & Welfare:

24.1 KISAC is owned by Gillani family having mission to provide modern education in the light of Islam which is the basic right of every child. This cause of nurturing mental, physical and spiritual strengths of students to make them vibrant leaders representing the actual face of Islam.

24.2 KISAC offers regular scholarships to its star students as per the available qouta year on year basis.

24.3 In order to provide welfare to needy parents; KISAC is working on a simple model of self sustainability i.e charge normal fee to the privileged and cover the cost of under privileged students from the normal profit. Beside this, Gillani family also injects special funds for welfare purpose every year. Such parents would have to fill up the welfare form available with vice principal.


KISAC reserves the rights to alter or update its Rules and Regulations from time to time. The enrolment of the student and the initial acknowledgement of the Rules and Regulations by parents will be taken as acceptance of the School Policy / Rules and Regulations and any amendments.